Thursday, September 27, 2007

Asky the Blue Fuzzy Squidopus [with link to pattern]

Meet Asky, the blue fuzzy squidopus from the Trans-Atlantic Rift.

He was born from a simple request from my boyfriend who asked me to make him a blue fuzzy squid for his birthday. So... I went about searching for patterns and found a pattern for a cephalopod on The most awesome thing about him is that the blue fur was from an ugly vest I found on eBay. I searched everywhere for cheap fake fur, but they were at least $16 a yard. So.... after searching through ebay, I found a blue fuzzy, hooded vest and fought another person to buy it. The long tentacles and the bottom side of Asky are made of light blue stretchy terry cloth taken from an old shirt I had. I tried to embroider light green eyes on him... but it's hard to embroider on fur. So I found 2 blue buttons in my button stash and used them. :)

So yeah... he doesn't really look like a squid except that he has the 2 extra long tentacles that squids tend to have... so he's a squidopus! :D

He is entirely handsewn. Ow.

The pattern can be found here: [link]


<-- He's coming to get you...

<-- Top view

<-- He likes braaaaaiiiiinnnnnnsssssssssssssssss!

Stuffed creations! [With link to pattern]

So... one of my good friends has a story where she killed a rabbit when she was 4 with a PVC pipe. She also likes the Akatsuki from the anime, Naruto.... so I decided to mix the two themes together.... and here is the result.

A stuffed black rabbit with interchangeable eyeballs and a removable, hand-knitted scarf.

-- Dead bunny  -- Dizzy/Confused Bunny  -- Derp Bunny -- Naruto Akatsuki Bunny w/ scarf

The fabric itself is from an old black velvet skirt I found in my old clothes. There are wire pipecleaners in the ears so they can bend and stay bent. The eyes are buttons with snap fasteners sewn onto them. Each of them were handpainted and sealed so the paint wouldn't chip off. Since my sister took all the knitting needles, I used some old pointy chopsticks to knit the scarf from red acrylic yarn I got from Wal-Mart. It's the first thing I've ever knitted and actually finished! Yay! :D Also, the nose is embroidered... it was my first time. Kinda crappy, I know. Also, I made a "good" bunny for my neice.

This one was made from a towel I found lying around. I had no idea that terry cloth was so hard to sew with! Clearly, I'll never use this fabric again. Also, my second round on embroidery... I think this attempt turned out a little better. I'm so proud of the bows! :D

My sister's cat ate some of the interchangeable eyeballs on the black rabbit before I could mail it to my friend..... but I made a different set! BEHOLD! DISAPPOINTED BUNNY!

I got the pattern for it from here: Wee Wonderfuls