So May 27th - May 31st was Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway day! There were over 400 blogs that participated in giving away random crafted goods and/or supplies. I swear I entered over 100 blogs for the giveaway and I actually won something!
I entered Sew Little Fabric's giveaway for an embroidery pattern of this owl wallhanging and got it! Yay! It's my first time ever to win a giveaway! I'm a novice at embroidery, but I really want to put this on a bag or shirt. Maybe I'll try out the embroider on an actual wallhanging first so I can put it up in my dorm room next year. (The room theme is owls and apples :D )
I hope I win more! (Although I highly doubt it.)
I just finished my haori and juban. For those that don't know what those are, a haori is similar to a kimono except it's used as a jacket with slits at the underarms. The juban (usually white) is worn underneath the haori. The juban was originally worn as an undergarmet to keep from dirtying the haori which reduced the need to wash the haori since workers in Japan from the olden times didn't have much clothes to wear from day to day like we do now. I'm too lazy to take a pic of me wearing them right now... but the haori is black and the juban is white.
It's actually a cosplay outfit from the anime Bleach. Yeah. I'm nerdy.