Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Resolutions

Hello! Happy 2015 everyone! I'm going to write a short post about what my 2015 resolutions are going to be. Hopefully, I can stick to these or actually accomplish them by the end of this year!

1. Exercise consistently - I have a terrible habit of exercising for about 2-3 weeks and then quit for months. After feeling bad about myself, I pick it back up and then quit again. You know the endless cycle. This year, I want to exercise at least 3 times a week and just keep it up! I've actually be working out for 12 days straight since December 23 (only took a break on Christmas Day) so I can look good for my cosplays for PAX South on January 23-25th!

2. Finish projects/cosplays I start - Yes, I am a procrastinator. I admit it. I love to start projects, but I never finish them. This year, I REALLY want to try hard and get the top priority projects and cosplays done!

3. Blog more often - This blog has had ups and downs of activity and inactivity. I need to keep it going and keep it interesting while trying to build up my audience.

4. Draw more - Art is the one thing that got me started in the creative world. I haven't drawn consistently since 2006 so it's about time I pick it back up.

Well, that's all my 2015 resolutions! They're bound to change or I may come up with even more along the way. What's y'alls resolutions for the new year? Feel free to share in the comments below! Thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jwo, what's happening on your blog??!! We miss you.. Why don't you come guestpost at the Our readers would love to find your neat DIY ideas.... ~ Rose
